Shh, It's a secret had a very nice video with the effects and the filmer did a good job keeping steady while Bryce was dancing. I really liked how they didn't just use a pre-made song.
For The Flintstones, I really liked theirs because you could feel the motion in the stop motion images. Their is original with their talent.
The Void was really great because they showed their musical talent and also showed motion in an abstract way. I think that their editing was also very good to show different parts of the clips. They had wonderful lighting in the clips. The only thing I disliked was that the music sounded kind of boring.
Move Crew could've done a lot better with filming. When they were filming in the hallway, it wasn't steady and in one shot the camera handle was in the way. Another improvement they should've made was to memorize the quotes because them reading off the paper was very distracting and not very professional. I did like a lot of the editing though when it went in reverse because it gave a tranquil like effect.
I really like Cherry Bomb because they had a lot of random shots that were comical and caught people's attention. Their editing was great but the only bad thing is that you couldn't really hear them when they were acting.
Crazy Hair showed many examples of movement and their filming was great.
Motion Hands was excellent and really kept the attention because the music and mood were different